Training Programs 2024

Let your practice take off in 2024

The DR Institute under the direction of Dr Derry Rogers offers dedicated training for Dentists, their Associates and their staff. The Institute has been expanding dentist’s skills and optimizing Dental Practices all over Australia and New Zealand for the past 20 years.

Dr Rogers and his faculty bring over 30 years of clinical experience and business insights. He has personally delivered over 40,000 veneers and anterior crowns and runs a successful practice in Melbourne, Australia dedicated to cosmetic and reconstructive dentistry.

Dr. Rogers’s new program for 2024 “The System” takes the attendee on a journey of practice change over 2 days through learning the most successful communication tools, as well as utilizing photography to assist their patients in understanding what modern-day digital dentistry can provide for them.

Preparation and provisionalisation techniques, underpinned by optimal bonding techniques and occlusion will provide the foundations for their optimal practice growth.


Develop your Practice: 2 Day Training Course



Clinical dentistry is just half of the equation. Understanding the role of Personality Profiling: including the elements of human communication, are paramount to patient’s decision making and Case Acceptance. With these new skills, practitioners are able to communicate in ways that provide greater patient understanding to our clinical recommendations.


You will learn the optimal photographs to enable a patient to see their mouths like never before, this understanding will assist them to understand your recommendations. The Camera choices are kept to a minimum to enable a ‘point & shoot’ system for all in the clinic.The ultimate before & after picture supports clients referring their family and friends.


With so many CE courses to decide on, The System has trimmed away all the rhetoric and narrowed down what real skills you need to utilize to provide consistent clinical care in both simple and complex Cosmetic & General dentistry. From diagnosis and treatment planning to case presentation and treatment sequencing, it is completely systematised for you.


It is easy to get confused with different materials. It’s also easy to get caught up in the hype and not understand the real science behind what works and what should be avoided. Within The System the best materials and adhesives are highlighted backed by science.


Like most professionals we must find that balance between providing amazing results yet having a successful business. In this course we will guide the attendees how to make the decisions that support their hourly rates, staff management, materials cost controls to create a viable and profitable business.This business confidence creates a better work life balance through knowing the profit is optimized.

Register for the system

“Derry has excellent systems in place, both clinically and managerial and it is a pleasure to see such a team – a focused, streamlined cosmetic practice. Clinical procedures offer clever alternatives to existing techniques, a focus on attention to detail and an artist’s eye. Thought provoking and stimulating philosophical discussions.”

Dr Andrea SheppersonCosmetic/General DentistAuckland, New Zealand

“I thoroughly enjoyed all the courses I attended at Dr Rogers. I have now redone the full course series 3 times and continue to be amazed at the information that I have gained and how it has changed my practice. It is also of major benefit to network with the other attending dentists and realize that we are all in the same place in terms of our frustrations that are all alleviated by interacting with Dr Rogers and attending his training programs. I look forward to his next course as he is constantly updating his knowledge and delivery.”

Dr Terry Fenn – Perth

“Derry presents a brilliant and exceptional series of courses on all aspects of aesthetic dentistry and poses challenges on practice management and personal goals. Attendance for the progressive thinking individual is necessary. It changed the way I approach dentistry.”

Dr Kay Chia – Brisbane